Economy, Place, Access, and Transport Scrutiny Committee Work Plan

Quarterly finance and performance monitoring reports:
To include along with papers for the relevant committee date, but not to be treated as a substantive agenda item.  We can still raise questions/comments about them though by exception if Members wish to; perhaps then following up with specific agenda item in future.

Possible Task and Finish Groups to run in parallel.  Detailed scope needs working out between interested Members prior to committee approval.
- Grass verges, etc?
Interested Members: Cllrs Hook, Steward, and Taylor.
- Broadband installation issues?
Interested Members: Cllrs Hook and Nelson

Role of Executive Members:
- Expected to attend items relevant to their portfolio area
- Committee Members to maintain sight of Executive business and flag up specific issues/reports to bring to committee for scrutiny, pending space on the workplan.

Other notes for info:
- With exception to the meeting on 26/09/23 the scope of the reports, along with any external guests, for most of the year’s planned meetings need clarifying.  To give sufficient notice we should aim to confirm these no later than 2 calendar months prior to each meeting.




Lead Officer


15 January 2024

Check-in on clients (MIY and GLL) plus update from York BID

Make It York performance update



Update on performance and plans, and pertinent issues discussed when they last presented in July 2022.

Opportunity to scrutinise, and input into, work to decide future Service Level Agreement.




Update on performance and plans, plus any particular issues committee members want to focus on.


York BID update


Update on performance and plans, and pertinent issues discussed when they last presented in July 2022.

27 February 2024

York’s waterworks - a health check

The health of our rivers and becks



Report on cleanliness of York’s rivers/becks, sewage management, management/support of biodiversity around them.


Drainage infrastructure



Report on the state of York’s drainage infrastructure; covering capacity to meet demand in urban and rural areas, insight into recent and forthcoming investment into repairs/upgrades, scale of challenge faced.

25 March 2024

Our city’s assets - using what we’ve got more effectively to benefit our residents

Asset Management


Report on how the Council’s Asset Management Strategy (2017-2022) worked and where it’s left us now, thinking around the plan for the next five years, chance to have discussion on ideas to feed into this - covering value for money, acquisition, redevelopment, disposal.

25 April 2024

Parking - Digi ResPark, enforcement, plus on street EV charging.

Digital ResPark


Follow up on previous scrutiny session held November 2022 covering any recommendations taken on board, problems dealt with since then, other outstanding issues/challenges/opportunities.


Parking Enforcement



- Brief summary of how this service works (for the benefit of the reading/watching public).
- Appraisal of the Parking Hot Line (who runs it, are we happy with how it works, relationship between who runs this and CYC).
- Performance against demand; how many reports are physically followed up and how quickly, how many of them see enforcement take place, and any other useful KPIs.
- Pressures faced by the service and its staff; personnel numbers versus workload, vacancies, peaks/troughs in demand, and any specific “problem” areas/themes.
- Working relationship with Police who also help with parking offences, especially outside of our service hours.
- Use/roll-out of technology to help with enforcement capacity; to what extent is this happening, how are we deploying current resource, is it working, do we need more.
- Anything else which Officers would value Members/Public input on; addressing future demand, alternative methods of service delivery, that sort of thing.


On-street EV charging

Follow up on previous Scrutiny item on this subject



Unallocated items:

·         Planning Enforcement; with particular focus on conditions relating to the Environment.